Saturday, March 30, 2013

When DIY is dangerous

As you all know I love watching something, then doing it myself. That's how I learned to decorate cakes, swaddle a baby, paint, and many other useful things.

But every so often I get this "genius" idea. Why not remove this cyst myself? I have a completely harmless cyst on my head and it periodically annoys me. I can't cut my hair short because I'm worried it'll be noticeable.

No, I'm not sleep deprived. I'm just too lazy to go to the doc, get a referral for a doc that can remove it, set up a removal date with specialist. See? Too many steps. This us why YouTube is dangerous.
I just wish I had a friend doctor who would do this for me. It's a quick procedure you don't even need to numb for. Lance, squeeze out the yellow jellybean, maybe one stitch, done! I begged my nurse cousin and no dice.

Luckily, there is a little sensible Travis in the back of my head rambling on about infections and the limited scope of neosporin and what if I can't stop the bleeding, blah blah.

I don't know why this is a blog post. I just wanted to tell someone other than my mom. My mom thinks it might be cancer.


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