In many circles this statement angers. Although it is truth and a simple statement, it threatens many relationships owners have fostered with their pets. I'm in no place to judge, but I simply don't understand the reasoning. I rationally see the appeal. A pet is loving, I won't argue they are capable of love. A pet is incapable of hatred, therefore you won't find your dog being bitter and vengeful. Most acts people humanize to be vengeful are territorial or dominating in nature and instinctual.
My problem lies in the acceptance of the lie that your relationship with your furry baby is greater than a relationship with offspring. It is simpler, shorter, and easier...but that doesn't mean it's better.
Adam fell that men might be and men are that they may have joy. Adam and Eve couldn't procreate in the garden of Eden, so it's easy to say that once they could feel the bitterness of life they could also glory in the joy of parenthood.
Even if you aren't religious try to think of it this way. Remember that adversity or "trial" you had that you pulled through and succeeded. Remember how even though it was awful you would do it all over to experience the joy of success? That is parenthood. And you never fail unless you don't try. Even if your daughter becomes a stripper, much to your dismay, you still made a human being. You created life. You did that! But this isn't about you anymore, and that's where the true joy comes from. You get joy out of being there for her when she realizes how much she needs you. You get joy seeing her accomplish her dreams, you get joy seeing her joy. You are especially joyous to see her become a parent and when you get to become a grandparent.
My point is, being a parent is extremely hard. Being a pet owner is not as difficult. And in experiencing more pain, you can appreciate more joy. So don't live your life to be simple and choose the easy way. Create a life with someone you love and enjoy spending your life with. It's an experience greater than anything I've ever had.
Now to correct a few assumptions that may come up.
I do not hate animals. I do not think treating an animal cruelly is ever acceptable. I appreciate life in all its forms. I do feel that animals are below humans, but for righteous purposes only. Such as food and companionship. Animals should be treated with respect as if they are equals. I do not think those who choose to not parent are less than me. I feel it's not the greatest decision, but I am not you and it may be the best decision for you. For those who cannot parent for one reason or another animal companionship is almost necessary and I highly advise it.If I left anything out assume the nicest thing and don't be offended. In this world of today it's sad I have to explain all my kindest and best intentions and they are not assumed.
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