Sunday, October 7, 2012

General Conference Notes: The future is as bright as your faith.

I admit these are a tad vague. In some parts I left open ended questions, and I didn't take notes with some speakers. The Saturday morning session I didn't take notes until President Uchdorf began speaking, partly because I was still half asleep and partly because I love him so much! He has a wonderful accent, and as all who spoke in conference plenty important to say. He's in my favorites though, because I feel like he truly cares for all of us even though he doesn't know us. Just like Christ. It's a wonderful trait all prophets and apostles have. I also put in quotations direct quotes.

Saturday Morning (Oct. 6, 2012)

Dieter F. Uchtdorf (2nd counselor in the first presidency)

Do you have any regrets? Basic gospel principles can prevent further regrets. Do not fail to give meaningful time to loves ones. The entire ladder of worldly success does not even compare to a step on the spiritual ladder to eternal life, or the ladder that leads back to our Heavenly Father. "We are capable of so much more. Good intentions are not enough." We must be living examples of Christ.

The more we rely on the Savior's grace the more we will feel we are on the right path. External circumstances do no matter nor determine our happiness. We determine our own level of happiness. "It's not a race, it's a journey. Enjoy the moment." It is foolish to anticipate and focus on the end. "Do we say our prayers with only the Amen in mind?" "Life is not meant to only be appreciated in retrospect."

Anything essential is invisible to the eyes. Let us resolve to spend more time with those we love.

Saturday Afternoon (Oct. 6, 2012)

Elder L. Tom Perry (quorum of the twelve apostles)

Marriage and raising children should be our highest priority. Set the righteous example for our children. Teaching in the home is the most sacred responsibility. You are responsible to teach by example as well as principle.

Elder M. Russell Ballard (of the twelve apostles)

Burdens are lighter with the efforts of many. In our morning prayers, ask for Heavenly Father to guide you to the opportunity to serve others. He likened our efforts until the efforts of a single honey bee. A single honey bee makes approx. 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey, but with thousands of bees the efforts of many can be of great value. 

Elder Larry Echo Hawk (first quorum of the seventy)

He basically bore his testimony about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ.

Elder Robert C. Gay (first quorum of the seventy)

Would you sell your soul for a nickel? We must go straight away to heed the promptings of the Lord. God forsakes no one. "My testimony is my most prized possession."

Elder Scott D. Whiting (first quorum of the seventy)

We are each made of the finest materials. Strive for perfection. Do our best to live our lives worthy of the temple.

Elder Neil L. Anderson (of the twelve apostles)

Did we not come to Earth to accept the challenges God has laid before us? So we can receive the blessings God has promised us. True principles are taught frequently. They are not hard to find. Our trials need not be spiritually fatal. A witness follows the trial of your faith. "Fear not, for God shall be with you forever and ever."

Elder Dallin H. Oaks (of the twelve apostles)

It is our responsibility to protect the well being of children. We are all under Heavenly Father's commandment to protect those who need protecting. It is a serious sin to deny a child birth. Children are role models of humility and teachability. We should become humble as little children, and reach out to protect them.

Sunday Morning (Oct. 7th, 2012)

Elder Jeffery R. Holland (of the twelve apostles)

"Do you love me more than you love all this?" Why are you here? Did not my life and my love matter more than all this? Did we at least understand the first and greatest commandment, that thou shalt love the Lord. If ye love me, keep my commandments. Love God and remain clean and free from the sins of the world. We will not look back until the work is finished.

President Thomas S. Monson (prophet, seer, and president of the church)

Rather than dwell on the negative, look back on all the blessings even seemingly small and insignificant. Take an inventory of your life, and look at the blessings large and small that you have received. Never postpone the inspiration of a prompting. Pray to be an instrument in the Lord's hands. Missions are essential. The Lord is in the details of our lives.

Sunday Afternoon (Oct. 7th, 2012)

Elder Robert D. Hales (of the twelve apostles)

What does it mean to be a Christian? Take upon us the name of Christ. Faithful Christians will always be blessed with trials and challenges. Do not be afraid or feel inadequate to do the work of the Lord. Value everyone. Have compassion for all. Bless those that curse us.

Elder Richard G. Scott (of the twelve apostles)

Be better about family history work. A sure way to eliminate the influence of Satan is to complete family history work. Follow up in the temple. Work that we can do on Earth, and will remain in Heaven. Set aside things that don't matter for work of eternal value.

Brother Russell T. Osguthorpe (Sunday School General Presidency)

Conversion is not an event, but a lifelong quest to become like our Savior. Knowing, doing, becoming. Like Alma we can become new. The Atonement (John 3:16) should not be an abstract concept. Like the Nephites, return home, and ponder the things said and pray what we can do.

Elder Marcus B. Nash (first quorum of the seventy)

Do not discard faith for reason. Faith and reason are like wings of a place. Both are essential to fly. Seek learning by study, and by faith. Doubt not, fear not. The god of miracles, who changes not, will help us through our trials. The future is as bright as your faith.

Elder Daniel L. Johnson (first quorum of the seventy)

Why serve after great trials, why use scarce and precious resources to help another? The path is not easy, but as we strive to help others and become more like Christ we can grow closer to him. Be in the world, not of the world. Not to endure storms, but succeed through them. Being a disciple of Christ is setting an example. Discipleship is about doing and becoming. Actions speak louder than words.

Elder Don R. Clarke (first quorum of the seventy)

Express gratitude for the sacrament. We can feel forgiven after the sacrament by pondering our sins and mistakes. We can feel clean.

Elder David A. Bednar (of the twelve apostles)

Jesus Christ is our Savior. Any honest seeker of truth can be converted. Ask with a sincere heart and contrite spirit if these things are true. Ask and ye shall receive. Have a firm determination to improve. Testimony is a point of departure, not a destination.

President Thomas S. Monson (president of the church, and prophet to the world)

Watch to help others in their time of need. Do not judge others. Be of good cheer. The Lord loves us and is always mindful of us. The purpose of mortality is to learn and grow; to become more like the Savior. Be of good cheer. (he said that twice so I figured it was important)

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