Thursday, September 22, 2022

To my former primary children

 I hope you are well. I hope this finds you. I hope you know you can talk to me. You are welcome in my home and in my heart.

    I also hope you know I was taught differently. I was taught of magical atonements that heal any emotional would. I was taught psychiatry is of the devil (thanks McConkie). I was taught the golden plates were seen with real eyes, not spiritual eyes. I was taught Joseph Smith translated the plates, not looked at a rock in a hat to recite a story. 

    Simply put, you and  I went to a completely different church. I often wonder how much it's changed. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever...and yet? It seems he changes with the tides. The Mormon church changes like society changes. Tries to improve, in other places it simply controls. Why could the church spend millions on the 'I'm a Mormon' campaign and then the next prophet is like NOPE only use the full name forever and ever amen. lol Why could the church change from full knee length garments to mid thigh? full tees to cap sleeves? Why did the church change the word of wisdom from not a commandment to it is a commandment and you can't go to the temple if you drink that evil bean juice or that stuff Jesus drank.

    I hope you learn boundaries and how to set them. I hope you learn to say no to callings that overwhelm you, or don't spark joy in you. I hope you aren't forced on a mission. I hope you aren't forced to go to BYU. I hope you have real agency, and freedom. Ultimately I hope you have happiness.

Sincerely, Sister Meredith


"belief makes a beautiful armor but makes for the heaviest sword." -John Mayer

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