She asked it just like that too when she put two and two together. I'm crafty...and Mormon. Let the stereotyping begin! Let's not forget she asked if I could sew too. (note: this all happened today)
I have to admit I've failed in any craft showing up on my blog. I've mostly just talked about them. It's kind of tragic actually. Travis and I reupholstered a rocking chair, but that only showed up on facebook. In my defense though, our free computer does not have an sd card reader.
I'll do my best to discuss and maybe go to the library to update on my latest crafts. I can just post pictures and tiny explanations since most of them aren't particularly difficult do-it-yourself activities. Mostly mod podge, hot glue, free stuff, fabric, and other likely crafts. Unfortunately, I can't discuss the latest homemade Christmas gifts. I can only repin mass amounts of crafts to hide which ones I actually plan on doing.
Don't you just love Christmas. The music. The lights. Christ. The love. The giving. It's all so wonderful! I oppose real life Grinch's. So forgive me if I snub you when you complain of the music, or ignore you when you complain that holidays are too drawn out or commercial. Negativity is in my head about as long as your unheard cries. 1 second. I listen like the sensible person, and then I ignore you. Don't you just LOVE that one time of year you can be overly pleasant for no apparent reason.
In family news, I had a dream that my mom flew in unexpectedly and texted me that she was at the Denver Airport and would love to be picked up. It made me wanna cry. I can feel the baby kick ALL THE TIME. It's awesome, and weird. Let me add that while I write this our parakeet takes it upon himself to viciously attack Travis' feet. He gets weirdly aggressive on rare occasion. And he's not afraid to attack a foot, or elbow flap. Maybe it's a pathetic grooming attempt. I don't know, but since Travis has been home and not working Buster has been quite loving and affectionate. He even let me reach over and pet him while he was on his cage. Usually he's most aggressive on his cage, his zone I suppose.
Till next time. Maybe crafts will appear next post. Over and Out
-Heather Rand and baby bump.
p.s. for the first time a stranger in public asked me when I was due. WOO! I'm now obviously pregnant. Not bad for 13 weeks till the due date.
Sierra gets randomly aggressive, too. She was super sweet until about two days ago when she started attacking us when we put our hands in her cage. She's fine once she's out, but getting her out is always and unknown adventure :)