There will be no Christmas Carol like The Muppet's Christmas Carol. Sure the book itself should stand alone, but as far as movies go you just can't beat timeless tunes and quirky characters. Not to mention Michael Caine is just plain great.
I've been contemplating the spirit of Christmas lately. It's a season of love and giving, but it can be hard to enjoy when you struggle to provide means to give anything other than love. I'd been feeling pretty down on myself because of that. I recognize I have many things to be thankful for, but it's hard to remember all the good when you only notice the bad.
What brought the season this year was my first gift. Yellow mini roses, that were beautifully fragrant, and a card to remind me I'm loved. I love friends who go that little extra step to make someone's day. One of them even covered lunch! What made the season really sink in after that....was what Travis did after noticing my skin was breaking. That's right, breaking. I've gone through every lotion imaginable and lotion is a luxury we, as sensible people, can't just keep buying different brands to see what works. Does anyone else realize what a waste of money that is? You use half the bottle and say "oh it's not working", then sew-in-sew says "oh I use this it works wonders"..and now you have two halves of lotion you'll never finish. You wasteful people. I don't buy lotion until I am OUT of everything. All lotions are basically the same. Back to the point. My skin was about to bleed and I was feeling like a nudist because clothes can hurt when your skin is that dry. It doesn't help that MADISON AVENUE APARTMENTS, run by RLS MANAGEMENT is taking their sweet time fixing our heat. Cold, Naked, and mourning over skin that looks like I'm wearing a red fishnet body cover over my pregnant suit I called my mom to whine. I wasn't crying because use in crying when it gets that bad. Travis disappeared to get groceries and upon returning home....he had a humidifier. He then apologized for spending what Christmas money he had saved for my gift on it.
I did what any person with a grand reminder of being loved would do. I cried. I know our finances as well as Travis does, so I know we didn't have twenty bucks for a humidifier, but I didn't realize he had set money aside and sacrificed just so I could have a Christmas from him. It's not that we won't have Christmas, we already have presents from family under our tree, but he wanted to make sure I got a little something from him. It was the feeling that everything was right. That familiar feeling the spirit imparts to remind you that you are of great worth. It was just love. It may be hard to explain fully, but the pure love I felt from such a simple gesture was so overwhelming. Yet I'm certain I only felt a fraction as loved as I truly am.
No other gift to me this year may be received the same, but I think now I can appreciate everything else that will be given more. I promise the love behind every gift will be recognized. I believe I could go the rest of the year receiving nothing else and feel like I've had the best Christmas. All I could want I already have, and now Mariah Carey makes sense. All I want for Christmas is you. (favorite Christmas song to sing at the top of my lungs fyi)
My hope is that we can all remember what this time of year is about no matter what holiday is celebrated. And my prayer is that you can feel the love from those around you and not focus on the hustle and bustle in the quest for a great gift.
I almost want to say amen.
-Heather Rand.
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